Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.

Voices of Hope

Hear from people who have come through our services and others with lived experience of alcohol, drugs or mental health issues.

We know It can be daunting to ask for help, but you have nothing to fear. We are here to help. You can be assured you everyone that comes to us will be receive our support without judgement and will be treated with dignity and respect. On this page we share what others have told us about their own experiences. 

Mark and Paddy share their story of support from ASCERT.

We know It can be daunting to ask for help, but you have nothing to fear. We are here to help and you can be assured you will be received without judgement and be treated with dignity and respect.

Mark and Paddy tell us about their experience of getting support through our Steps to Change service. 

I’ve been a client of yourselves this year … I seen [ASCERT workers name] in Omagh. I’m just taking this opportunity to let you guys know that he is truly amazing at his job. He treated me like an equal rather than a problem to be solved. He brought me from the depths of hell out into the light of living again. I truly cannot tell you how much this means to me and its impossible to praise him enough for what he did for me. An inspirational man who needs commended for his work. Thank you to all behind the scenes as well and if there’s anything I can do to give back just let me know.
A very grateful addict in recovery
[Service users name] x

September 2023

Lived experience brings real life expertise to our services

Declan Rowan has used his own experience of addiction and recovery to educate others as a member of our training team.

In conversation with Janet Devlin

Janet Devlin is best known for her career as a singer and songwriter, coming to fame as a contestant in the X Factor. As Janet rose to fame she was also battling an alcohol addiction. 

Janet was kind enough to speak ASCERT CEO Gary McMichael about her addiction and how she uses her personal experience and recovery ti inspire others struggling with addiction or mental health problems. 

Hear from Joe and Lauren about their personal journey with alcohol problems and how support from ASCERT has helped them.

ASCERT’s Charter

We have produced a charter that sets out our commitments to the people we support. 

Have Your Say

Your opinions are important to us. If you have used one of our services we want to hear about your experience so we can provide the best help and support to others.