Categories of Drugs
Drugs and Physical Health
Drugs and Mental Health
Mixing Drugs
Prescription Medications
Drink & Drug Driving
Mixing Drugs
Using different type of drugs together
Mixing drugs is congesting more than one drug at the same time and it can produce unexpected results. Regardless whether it is legal drugs like alcohol, medicines prescribed to you or illegal drugs, if you take more than one substance at the same time and you cant be sure how they will interact with each other and if it will put your health at risk.
Taking similar types of drugs can increase their negative effects and increase risk for both your mental and physical health.
Mixing drugs is dangerous because different drugs act on our bodies in different ways and most fatal overdoes have involved the use of more than one type of drug.
To reduce the risk:
- Only drink alcohol in moderation (no more than 14 units per week).
- Avoid taking illicit drugs altogether.
- Only take medication that has been prescribed to you by your doctor.
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