Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.

NI’s leading alcohol and drug charity ASCERT announce their partnership with SMART Recovery to deliver free in person weekly meetings in Omagh for adults seeking support with addictive behaviour starting on Wednesday 7th August 2024.

Taking place weekly every Wednesday morning between 11am and 12.30pm in Omagh Library, these meetings do not require advanced booking and are free to anyone aged 18 and over.

ASCERT successfully launched its first SMART Recovery Group in Lisburn in July 2023 in response to need within the local area. Some people in recovery from alcohol or substance use find it difficult to maintain progress and stability once they leave services, and this can result in relapse into problematic behaviours.  The pilot group in Lisburn demonstrated excellent outcomes for those attending weekly group meetings and we decided to replicate the programme in other areas.  

The SMART (Self Management and Recovery Training) programme provides support and practical skills for people who want to change their problematic habits including addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.  The purpose of the programme is to equip group attendees with a toolkit of recovery skills, empowering them to better manage their addictive behaviour and improve their overall health and wellbeing. 

ASCERT Chief Executive Gary McMichael explains “SMART Recovery is a proven support model delivered worldwide. Our launch in Omagh comes at a time when need has never been greater for self help addiction support services.  We hope to reach more people in Omagh and the surrounding areas through this group, providing strategies they can use to live their lives free from addiction.

“We decided to launch our second SMART Recovery Group in Omagh as we already provide drug and alcohol services in that area and we want to add to increase access to recovery support.  Omagh has the highest number of people accessing addiction services in the Western Trust after Derry, but it has less supports available than other areas.  It offers a central location for people living in the rural areas in the Southern sector of the Western Trust.”

There are no other SMART Recovery groups in the area, the closest is in Ballymena. 2024 statistics also record that the largest health inequality gap in the Western Trust is alcohol specific deaths and the largest inequalities in its most deprived areas are alcohol or drug related.”

Gary continued “SMART Recovery Omagh facilitated by ASCERT starts at 11am in Omagh Library on Wednesday 7th August 2024.  All adults who think this group will be beneficial to them and their situation are very welcome to attend. These weekly meetings are free to attend and open to all adults who would like support managing their addictive behaviour. “ 

“No advanced booking is required; just turn up for an 11am start at Omagh library each Wednesday where you will receive a warm, supportive and non-judgemental welcome.  We understand what you are going through and at these meeting we focus on the addictive behaviour rather than the substance itself.  We will equip you with the skills and techniques to help you improve your health and wellbeing and would urge anyone who feels this programme could help them to please come along next Wednesday morning

For further information email or call ASCERT on 0800 254 5123