Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.

We are delighted to introduce our SMART Recovery Stories series, hosted by Bob and Ella who attend SMART Recovery.

The conversation revolves around:

  • The discovery of SMART Recovery
  • Its holistic approach to recovery
  • The importance of a safe and supportive environment
  • Building confidence through practical tools
  • Embracing setbacks as learning opportunities
  • The transformative power of peer support


This conversation highlights the journey of two individuals who found hope and strength in SMART Recovery groups, emphasizing the significance of connection, accountability, and the willingness to help others. The dialogue encourages those struggling with addiction to seek support from SMART Recovery, emphasizing the non-judgmental and welcoming nature of the program.

ASCERT facilitate SMART Recovery Meetings every Thursday from 2pm – 4pm in Atlas Centre, 7 Bachelors Walk, Lisburn, Northern Ireland. BT28 1XJ. Meetings are free and there is no need to book in advance. Please just turn up.

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