Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.

Training Testimonials

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

‘We are a team within the Belfast Trust that work in partnership with family support practitioners from a wide variety of community, voluntary and statutory sector partner organisations.  ASCERT is a great organisation to work with in that respect because they are always happy to help us identify the most suitable learning for our partners and staff, and to design and develop bespoke training programmes tailored to meet specific needs. Training delivery is always lively, interactive and interesting for participants. We have received very positive feedback from learners about ASCERT over the past few years, and we feel that they definitely provide a quality training product that sends people away with increased awareness and knowledge, as well as enhanced skills to deliver quality services to the community.’

Lorraine Brennan, Early Intervention Support Team


Belfast Harbour Police

‘Belfast Harbour Police (BHP) undertook training from ASCERT in 2018. This was as a result of a number of suicides and attempted suicides in the River Lagan to which police responded. Officers found the training was delivered in a professional manner by trainers who had an in depth knowledge of the subject matter and were able to deliver the package with empathy and enthusiasm.  In turn the training has proved invaluable in operational situations with officers being better equipped to deal with a variety of scenarios some of which have resulted in saving lives.

I would highly recommend this training to any organisation which could find its members dealing with the ever growing instances of suicide in our community.’

Sergeant Barry Johnston

Tullycarnet Community Support Services & Dundonald Street Pastors

‘Ascert recently delivered an OCN in Drug and Alcohol Misuse for the Dundonald Street Pastors.  The participants all commented on how well the information was presented; learners found that our trainer was extremely engaging, interactive and flexible.  The workbooks were easy to follow, and the trainer took on board our individual learning styles. We would highly recommend ASCERT’s training to anyone looking to gain knowledge on current drug and alcohol misuse, not just among young people, but within the wider community. The Street Pastors now have more of an appreciation of everything from the causes of addiction to mental health issues to various drug types and effects, and awareness of sharps and other on street problems.’

Michelle Singleton, Project Officer