Service Overview
The Drug and Alcohol Intervention Service for Youth (DAISY) provides support for young people and young adults experiencing problems from their alcohol or substance use. DAISY is available to young people aged 11 – 25 years and also to the young person’s parents or other family members.
We provide confidential service and each young person or family will be offered support based on their particular needs. This can be provided through one to one sessions or in groups.
DAISY is a partnership between ASCERT and Start360 and operates in, Belfast, Northern, South Eastern, and the Western Trust Health and Social Care Trust areas.
We accept referrals from young people, their families or friends, and a range of professionals.
How to refer into the service
You can refer yourself or someone else into DAISY by completing the online form below.
You can also download a referral form and send it to us if you prefer.
T: 0800 25 45 123
Information on DAISY for young people
If you are 11 to 25 and are concerned that your drinking or drug use is causing problems, DAISY can help you work out how to deal with this. We offer confidential advice and support. We will never judge you or tell you what to do, but we will work alongside you to discuss what is happening and what things would help you get to where you want to be.
If you want help from DAISY, you can contact us using the online form below or call or email us. We will arrange to meet with you in one of our offices or somewhere near where you live to discuss things. We will decide with you what the best way we can support you and how that will happen. We understand that life is complicated and there are often other things going on that influence a persons alcohol or drug use. We will help you look at these things and what you can do to make things better and keep yourself safe and what other supports you may need to do this.
I feel like DAISY are the first people to actually listen to me and hear me, without putting words into my mouth. Everyone is friendly and actually willing to help. You guys are amazing.
I am proud that I am taking better care of myself and have a better relationship with my family.
Information on DAISY for parents or carers
The DAISY service can support young people to help them reduce their alcohol or substance use or make changes that will reduce the impact or harm it has for them. This is a voluntary service, so the young person has to have agreed to be referred and willing to engage with us. We can also provide advice and support to family members, even if the young person is not willing to accept help.
DAISY provides the space for the young person to talk confidentially about how to cope and deal with their substance and alcohol use. Within the working relationship with our practitioners they will be able to explore how they are feeling and understand why they are using. They will receive support on how to reduce their use, and also to reduce the risk to themselves. The therapies offered are client led, which means we support the young person based on where they are in life, we work collaboratively with them to agree what changes they want to happen and what support them need to do this.
Family is an extremely important source of support for the young person, and also how things are in the family can be an influence on the young person’s alcohol or substance use. We know that parents, siblings or other family members like grandparents are also often impacted by the young person’s behaviours and can struggle to deal with what is happening.
DAISY offers informal advice or more structured support to family members to help understand and manage things. There are options for therapeutic family support which creates a space to gain understanding around substance / alcohol use, help support and repair relationships and have better connected family .
Information for referral agents
If you are working with a young person or young adult aged 11 to 25 where drugs and alcohol are present the DAISY may be able to help support this individual and their family.
This service supports young people and young adults aged 11-25 and their family.
We offer a variety of approaches which include, brief intervention, therapeutic one to one counselling, mentoring, group work (therapeutic and educational), and family therapy.
We will work collaboratively with you as the referrer and other professionals to ensure a co-ordinated and integrated support for the young person and their family.
The person being referred should have consented for the referral to be made. You can make a referral using the online form or download a referral form and send to us. You can give us a call to discuss the case in the first instance before you make a referral. Once we it we will contact you for any further information we need and discuss how we will deal with it.
DAISY is delivered in partnership between ASCERT and Start360